Monday, August 25, 2014

Mix It Up Monday: Do Good Anyway

Do you ever have times in life when you feel like you are getting the same message from so many directions at once? This has been happening to me these past two weeks. When this happens in my life, I've come to find that it is often the exact message I've needed. That has definitely been the case this time around. Often the message isn't a new concept, just something I needed to remember. I thought that for today's Mix It Up Monday I would share with you some of the quotes and ideas that have helped to motivate me lately in hopes that they might help at least one of you as well.

The first quote that stuck out to me is this first one, most often attributed to Mother Teresa (I saw a comment on a Facebook page where someone said Mother Teresa had it hanging on her wall, but it was not penned by her. I haven't been able to verify an author yet.).

Update: You guys never fail me! We received an email from Sarah clearing up the author of this poem. "I just wanted to drop a line to let you know that that poem so often attributed to Mother Theresa was actually written by Dr. Keith.  There is more about it on his website:"
 Isn't that fantastic?! It's struck a chord deep in my soul. We get so wrapped up in the "What's in it for me?" and the "But they don't care." attitudes, that we forget how important it is to Do Good Anyway. Yes, it will get taken for granted sometimes (sometimes more often than we'd like), but that doesn't make it any less important. Do good. It makes others happy. It makes the world a better place. And, it uplifts and enlightens your soul.

Go out there and share goodness. Be goodness. Enlighten and uplift your corner of the world, and together we can make a difference.

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